
Some New Death Guard!

Still inexorably grinding through my Death Guard models.  Here's some stuff that I've painted since completing the Daemon Prince.

Malignant Plague Caster 

I decided to treat myself and picked up this special edition Malignant Plague Caster from the Space Marine Heroes 3 set.

Flies, you fools

Myphitic Blight Hauler

For this happy little guy, I decided to challenge myself and learn how to paint fancy lenses, which ended up being a nice focal point.

Haulin' Some Blight

Deathshroud Terminators

Finally, I slowly plodded my way through finally painting my Deathshroud Terminators.

Deathshroud Terminator

Deathshroud Terminator

Deathshroud Terminator

At this point, I'm pretty darn close to 1,000 points of painted Death Guard! Now I need to figure out what to prioritise painting next. My first 1,000 points ended up taking to the field for my first game of 9th edition Warhammer 40k, and I had a blast. The Death Guard won, but it was a very close match vs. the Drukhari.