A real simple post this time. I had enough spare missile launchers from my bags of salvaged bits to craft a Devastator squad for my Storm Dragons Space Marines. However, I didn't really have the bits to represent a modern Devastator Sergeant with signum. I figured using some fancy Mk. III armor and some doodads to "tech up" his armor would suffice. Not sure what to do about converting a cherub, but I'll figure that out eventually.
Devastating. |
I gave him a storm bolter from an old plastic 2nd edition Space Hulk terminator that has evolved in to a Chaos Space Marine Obliterator so that he can contribute some meaningful but affordable weight of fire to the squad. Eventually I'll craft a few additional bolter marines so that I have some mooks to soak up a couple ablative wounds. What? Isn't that how you Imperials do things?
Does he look sufficiently tech-y enough? Let me know what you think.
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