*sigh* |
Build Projects:
- Convert old/broken Necromunda models in to renegades and heretics
- Finish building my "Storm Dragons" space marines
- Clean up/strip paint from reclaimed models
- Minor conversion work
- Build ~3,000 points worth of Tyranids. A lot of the basics are done but need clean up
- Figure out how to convert this Swarmlord "conversion" I acquired without murdering my fingers.
- Strip old Necromunda gangs ("of legend")
- Build New Goliath and Escher gangs
- Clean/Build Rubric Marines/Thousand Sons contingent
- Clean/Build Death Guard contingent
- Continue plodding through backlog of Word Bearers conversions
- Make second unit of Berserkers and enable both squads to have more variation in loadout (i.e. banners, plasma pistols, more chainaxes, etc.)
- Finish 2nd half of converted bike squad
- Decide whether or not to build 2nd box of Raptors/Warp Talons as more Raptors or Warp Talons. Build.
- Assemble Heldrake that has been laying in cleaned parts for over a year!
- Convert a 3rd custom Obliterator to meet new minimum squad size requirements
- Build my havocs with heavy bolters and autocannons
- Convert Warpsmith
- Build small subfaction of Alpha Legion(?)
- Finish building remaining daemon models
- Squad of Seekers of Slaanesh
- Squad of Plaguebearers
- Build small Khornate AoS faction that David gifted me.
- Bonus: Make a small Inquisitorial warband for funsies
Painting Projects
- Paint Tyranid army (no big deal, right?)
- Finish painting 600ish points of Orks (and then I'm done!)
- Paint Storm Dragons space marines
- Continue painting more Chaos stuff
- Custom Daemon Prince
- Regular Daemon Prince
- Berserkers
- Rubrics
- Death Guard stuff
- 3 more bikers
- 2 more Spawn
- Havocs
- Repaint my old Necromunda gangs
- Paint Warhammer Quest: The Silver Tower contents
- Paint new Necromunda gangs
- Paint my hodgepodge of daemons
- Paint AoS Khorne models
Other Projects
- Magnetize all of my 40k armies to work with my new magna rack
- Strip the surface off of my gaming table and refinish.
- Organize my bits to use my new storage boxes and get rid of old, falling apart kit boxes
Phew! That's a lot of stuff, and I guarantee you that I'm forgetting some projects. This is just what came to mind while sitting in front of the keyboard. I can't imagine what I'd come up with down by the hobby desk. How overwhelming is your backlog?
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